This year we are shifting our challenge into Spring. 3 months, 50 classes, will you take the challenge?
It’s time to start planning and preparing for the end of this record setting rainy Winter!
Joining is a no brainer really…
- Continue to come as normal and use all your monthly classes
- Increase the number of classes you attend to try and attend 50 classes over September, October and November (91 days).
- You’ll pay only $5 per class extra!
You can join now by buying the Spring 50 option on your app OR just email the studio ( and request to be apart of the challenge and we will charge your account for you.
So that we don’t overcrowd our classes, this will be limited to the first 50 paid members (which includes our Gold members who are automatically included for free) so be QUICK!!!
A challenge like this can be just the catalyst for you to take your health goals by the scruff of the neck and make huge leaps forward! Plus its the perfect timing to be summer ready!!!