After the worst of COVID passed by and the government allowed gyms to reopen, Siobhan decided to look for something to improve her health and deal with some stressful changes in her life.
Nearly two years later, she is still going strong!

"Turn up to class as often as time/money will allow - I've never regretted turning up to class, but I've definitely been super bummed when I've had to miss a class."
Q – What was happening in your life when you decided to try Pilates?
I was 10 months into my new (and current) role as my mum’s primary caregiver following a life changing stroke. It was an incredibly stressful time (with COVID-19 providing an added challenge), so I decided I needed to find some time just for me to help manage my stress. Also, I’m not very flexible, so I thought pilates might be helpful.

Q – What have you been able to achieve since starting? What improvements have you noticed?
I really like having 2 hours (2 classes) every week where my mind is totally in the moment concentrating on all the pilates moves – I have found it really calming and very beneficial in managing stress. My body as a whole is definitely stronger; I now know I have obliques (thanks Linda); and my posture has improved as I’m more aware of my body position when sitting and standing. I’m a bit more flexible too.
Q – What has exceeded your expectations since joining?
I didn’t really have any expectations. That said, the teaching staff/instructors are all excellent in their own way, and I’ve definitely picked up useful tips from each and every one of them, which helps me with my pilates practice.