Suzanne has been a Private client for over two years now utilising some of her NDIS funding, in that time Pilates and her friendship with Kristen has been a lifeline through some extremely difficult times. Sometimes the relationship with clients is purely about physical fitness but in this case, the two have built a real trusting relationship that has allowed Kristen to help Suzanne in many areas of life. Its so crazy, I remember Suzanne hobbling down the corridor with her cane which is just no longer a thing!
With Kristens’s guidance, Suzanne prioritised the consistency of her sessions and last week, achieved the 250+ session milestone joining our Elite member honour board club! Her story is inspiring and for me, really highlights the benefit of focusing on what you can do rather than allowing the circumstances you face overwhelm you.
"I’ve now lost 30 kgs and gone down 3 sizes."
Q – What was happening in your life when you decided to try Pilates?
I started at the Pilates Klinik in January 2020 after what had been a particularly gruelling year. Starting in January of 2019 I was having physiotherapy treatment for bursitis and tendinitis in both my shoulders. This had mainly been rock tape strapping and after 3 months I was worse off than at the beginning. My mother died in Sydney in April after an intense 5 months in hospital. I started having panic attacks and an increase in social anxiety, and I could no longer manage my pain after my masseuse died. I’d always exercised but with my increased disability I was no longer able to keep up with circuit training. I was also at the end of the first year of my National Disability Insurance Scheme plan with some money still to spend so I decided to go with my favourite exercise and contacted the Pilates Klinik. With all that had happened that year, I’d struggled to exercise consistently and I needed to get moving again in order to get my pain under control.
Q – What has exceeded your expectations since joining?
I’ve always loved exercising and I’ve loved Pilates specifically for many years. My expectations were very low before stating at the Pilates Klinik, I just wanted to get moving again. Now I’m strong and flexible even as my illness has progressed. I’m more socially engaged and I’ve found a real friend in Kristen.
Q – What was it about your Pilates practice you wish you had known in the beginning?